In collaboration with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), Huliauapaʻa hosted ʻĀpana ʻOhana, a five-part community empowerment workshop series in 2020. The purpose of the workshop series was to build capacity in caring for Kuleana and ʻOhana Heir Property Lands and to engage with individuals, ʻohana, and organizations that have been involved with caring for Kuleana and ʻOhana Heir Property lands and would like to learn more about this important kuleana. Speakers shared their expertise and led discussions on important topic areas such as ʻĀina Research, Property Taxes, Foundations of Access, Easement, Right of Entry, Quiet Titles, Adverse Possession, and an Introduction to Estate and Trust Planning.

Finding Registered Maps & How to Record Them
Hawaiʻi County Calendar for Tax Relief, Annual Filings, and Tax Exemptions
Kauaʻi County Calendar for Tax Relief, Annual Filings, and Tax Exemptions
Maui County Calendar for Tax Relief, Annual Filings, and Tax Exemptions
Honolulu County Calendar for Tax Relief, Annual Filings, and Tax Exemptions
WORKSHOP Recordings &
Community Resources
Workshop 1: Importance of ʻĀina Research
Workshop 1, titled the Importance of ʻĀina Research was held on October 4th, 2020, 10am-12pm. Guest Speakers for this workshop included Pūlama Lima, Donovan Preza. Donovan Preza, Kapiʻolani Community College Hawaiian Studies kumu, instructor and Ph.D candidate in the Geography Department at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, began the workshop by sharing his expertise in an introduction to land in Hawaiʻi and mapping. In the presentation to follow, Pūlama Lima, the Pou Kākoʻo Noiʻi ʻIke Kūpuna (Land, Culture, History, Research Manager) at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Executive Director of Ka Ipu Makani Cultural Heritage Center, and Anthropology Ph.D candidate at UH Mānoa, shared stories of her own personal connection to land placing emphasis on moʻokūʻauhau and ʻāina in an introduction to ʻāina research. The conversations that stemmed forth from these discussions aimed to highlight various approaches to ʻāina research and the significance of understanding land here in Hawaiʻi.
Workshop 2: Overview of Property Taxes
Workshop 2, titled an Overview of Property Taxes was held on October 4th, 2020, 10am-12pm. Guest Speakers for this workshop included Leanora Kaiaokamalie, Mike Hubbard, and Mason Chock. Leanora Kaiaokamalie, is a Long-Range Planner of the County of Kauaʻi Planning Department who shared an Overview of Planning Land Use. Mike Hubbard, an Appraisal Supervisor for the County of Kauaʻi gave a presentation on Understanding Property Taxes: Taxes, Appraisals, and Exemptions. Mason Chock is a Kauaʻi County Council Member as well as the co-founding member and former Executive Director of Leadership Kauaʻi. In this presentation Mason discussed Property Tax Case Studies and Ordinances.

Workshop 3: Foundations of Access, Easement, and Right of Entry
Workshop 3 titled Foundations of Access, Easement and Right of Entry was held on October 28th, 2020, 10am-12pm. Guest Speakers for this workshop included Peter Morimoto and Shae Kamakaʻala. Peter Morimoto, retired Deputy Prosecutor and Deputy County Attorney kicked off the workshop with with an overview of the types of easements and focused in on a case study pertaining to Kalipi vs. Shae Kamakaʻala, the Director of ʻĀina Protection for Hawaiʻi Island Land Trust (HILT) shared about the importance of conservation easements.

Workshop 4: Estate Planning Part I: Quiet Titles and Adverse Possession
Workshop 4 titled Quiet Titles and Adverse Possession was held on November 7th, 2020 from 10am-12pm. Guest speakers for this workshop included Lance Collins and Bianca Isaki. Lance, an attorney in private practice in Maui, began the workshop with a presentation on the Historic Origins of Quiet Titles. Bianca Kai Isaki, Ph.D., Esq., a solo practitioner working on public interest issues and lecturer in the University of Hawaiʻi Women's Studies Department, presented and walked through a Quiet Title Case Study.

Workshop 5: Estate Planning Part II: An Introduction to Estate and Trust Planning
Workshop 5 titled Estate and Trust Planning was held on November 7th, 2020, 10am-12pm. The workshop of the series will be led by Huliauapaʻa's own Executive Director, Kelley Uyeoka and Professor of Law, Nicholas A. Mirkay, J.D., LL.M. Kelley shared her personal story and experience regarding their ʻohana lands in Hāna, Maui and steps they have taken in this process to mālama their land. Nicholas gave an Introduction to Estate and Trust Planning, a tool that can be used to better plan for the future and succession of land to be held and remain within families.