Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa
In 2021, Huliauapaʻa embarked on a Stewardship partnership with the kahu of Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa, Jesse and Kim Kahoʻonei. Huliauapaʻa is serving as an organizational incubator and fiscal sponsor to support developing the capacity and impacts of this growing organization. Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa is one of Konaʻs largest intact traditional agricultural field systems preserved within a 354-acre area owned by Kamehameha Schools. Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa’s vision aims for the revitalization of the wahi kūpuna Kahaluʻu Field Systems as a traditional Hawaiian agricultural landscape, and reconnecting kānaka to ʻāina. Through indigenous grassroots initiatives and sustainable restorative agricultural practices, they work to perpetuate ancestral knowledge to reinforce these connections.